April 16, 2008

Slight Change

Most of you know that I spent 6 years in the Navy. As a reward for serving my country, I got the GI Bill, which is enough to pay for a bachelor's degree. I've been working slowly the past few years towards a BS in Electrical Engineering since I've been working in the electrical/electronics field for the past 14 years. Once I got to the half way point I realized that with my job position and schedule, it is almost impossible to finish the last 2 years of EE school. So I changed plans... With my age and experience I've decided that a degreee in Management could be more beneficial. So, I've changed from the College of Computing, Engineering and Construction to the Coggin College of Businees at UNF. The bad part is that I may have completed all of the engineering prerequisites (Calculus, Physics, etc...) for nada. Oh well, at this point I just need to get that dern paper!

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