August 26, 2008

08262008 and stuff

Let's see...the storm passed, it finally stopped raining and after about 12 inches or so of rain and 5 days on the trainer I finally got out on the road for a 3 hour ride with some nasty zone 4 intervals. The ride felt great at first, then I hit a brief down pour and once the intervals were over and it was hot, muggy, & windy- I was over it. This ride was the last hard effort before the 8 Hour race next Sunday. Anyhow, Sunday ended with Avery and I playing in the pool while Char sold houses. One works, one worked Saturday that way too...

Monday was another day of madness at work. We got started on the post Fay work/repairs Saturday and we are still reeling from the damage from the storm. I can't believe how much damage was done- mostly from power surges and outtages- not flooding. Either way, its cool fixing stuff...

My bike came in Monday but Trek forgot to send the rear shock for some I have to wait a little til Thursday or Friday. I was so excited to ride the dern thing but my first ride on it may be Saturday at San Felasco as I pre-ride the course for the 8 Hour race. I'm hoping to get it Thursday so I can get a good shake-down ride in at Hanna...we'll see...

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