July 25, 2008

Old Folks

Its funny how I tend to really get moving on the trainer when I'm watching the Tour and the final sprint comes...

So...who dis?

I was catching up on the sports news this morning and I saw that the Detroit Shock of the WNBA signed 50 year old hall of famer Nancy Lieberman to a short contract. And she even got some clock last night. Man, this lady played ball for the US Olympic team in '76 (I was 1) and was the youngest player to ever medal at age 18. Not only did she play in a women's pro league (WBL), she also played pro men's ball (USBL) and also played for the Washington Generals. You know the Generals, right? The team that always took a whoopin' from the Globetrotters back in the day. Anyhow, I seriously hope I'm still cool at 50...

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