October 10, 2008

Tahoe Review 2: Race Day

After checking out the course Saturday and meeting up with Sean & Steph, we headed down to our hotel at the South Lake and got some dinner. Sunday morning was race day!

Leaving the hotel at o-dark-thirty Sunday morn...

XTERRA film crew filming Char setting up transition...

The fly support crew on the other side of the camera...

Char & Sean talking race strategy/cold water survival...

The start of the race- helicopter film crew included...

Long run from the lake to the transition area....

Starting the bike leg...

View of the race venue from the 11th floor of the Hyatt... (Steph & I took a coffee break!)

Sean finishing the bike...

Char excited to run after finishing the long bike portion...

After the 1.5K swim, the 30K bike and the 10K run- done at last...


beth said...

wow. you were awesome race support! you and james tie for first place tri caddy's..

the trip sounds like a balst. i'm glad you guys stuck around to enjoy the hiking and all..

hope all is well!

Sean Crichton said...

yeah, solid rootin blue!! Thanks for the cheers!