Ah, a race recap. It's been exactly 5 years since I toed the line at a mountain bike race. And to be exact, it was this race that was supposed to have been my last race ever. I raced the 8 Hours of Labor in 2008 on a co-ed team with my wife Char and although we finished in 2nd place, something went very wrong with my body that day. To make a long story short, I ended up at the Mayo Clinic with a diagnosis of a heart disease called HCM. You can find all of that story in the 2008 archives in this blog. Anyhow, I clearly had a score to settle with this race. I really wanted to do this race again- but this time on a solo mission and a better outcome. So it works out that 2013 is finally the year that I made it back! My goal for this race was simple- finish comfortably and finish strong. But my bigger goal was to be an ambassador for heart disease. I want people with heart disease to see that we do not have to be as limited as once thought- we can get off the couch and overcome our ailments and supposed limitations. This is why I am so proud to be a part of Ironheart Racing. They inspire. They motivate. The demonstrate the outcome of determination through athletes like me. It was important to me to make a good showing wearing the Ironheart colors and to be able to punch heart disease square in the face!
I sorta been riding a decent amount this year, mostly on the road with a good mix of group and solo rides. I got on the mountain bike here and there but not as much as I'd like. I also ran quite a bit through the winter but it tailed off into the summer. I probably averaged about 4-6 hours a week on the bike up until August, which actually isn't that much, but my fitness was ok. Hell, it's hard to find time to ride a lot when you are married with kids, finishing up college, buying a 2nd house, working full time and then some, etc, etc... At the start of August when I decided to fully commit to this race, I swore off beer and ice cream and picked up the volume on the bike. I eased into 4 and 5 hour road rides on the weekends. My biggest weekend was 3 weeks before the race when I hit a 5+ hour 100 mile road ride on a Saturday followed by a 3 hour mountain bike ride on Sunday. Getting through those rides feeling good overall and good about my hydration and nutrition, I knew I would be ready to at least pedal my bike for 8 hours around the woods.
The week of the race while I was tapering, Riley got a nasty viral infection and did not sleep well 6 out of 7 nights. So going into the race when I should be recovered and fresh, I was tired as hell. Whatever, my mind was made up to do it. I had already spent a grip getting my bike overhauled and put off a ton of family time to ride. The payoff was coming regardless. We had a weekend trip planned for Gainesville to spend with family, so the race fit in quite well. Considering Riley's age and that Avery was staying back in Jax for a soccer tournament, this race was a pure solo mission- especially considering that the time investment that day would be more like 12 hours. I would have to support myself for the day but I wasn't worried about that part at all. It actually fit perfectly into the personal nature of my mission.
The day before the race I got to the trails at San Felasco to ride the course and register. I had not seen the Bergers in a few years, so it was very nice to catch up with them. I had gotten to know them well when I raced heavily from 2004-2008. For those who do not know the Bergers, they are the southeast mountain bike race promoters that own Gone Riding, which is first class all around and hosts countless races year round. Anyhow, as I got out on the course, I was pleased with the flow of the trail- nothing too difficult and not too many steep climbs. The course was a little over 7 miles and would take around 45 minutes at my "race pace," which was perfect because I had set up my nutrition plan in 45 minute increments. Also, my bike was working great, which is always a huge relief. I was also able to set up my tent along the start of the race course, which would make for easy transitions to change out bottles and grab food.
Race day- got up early, ate my usual bagel with nutella, a banana and half of a Monster. I got to the park at a decent time, setup, got kitted up, and ran into my Velobrew road race buddy Drew Miller. I never thought about or even asked who was going to be at this race because I was so focused on my mission. Anyhow, it would work out great that Drew was there. I really had no idea how Drew rides in the woods- all that I knew is that he is always fit and fast as hell on the road bike. It would turn out well that we would ride much of the day together. Having him there squashed a big part of the mental aspect of the race during the race.
The race starts as a mass start on foot with a 100 yard run to your bikes. I had no intention of running fast because I had a long day ahead of me, and also running sucks. The start of the race was a jam up once we got on our bikes but would clear up a few miles into the trails. Drew and I rode together and chatted for a while, keeping a comfortable pace. We would keep this up for a few laps and the more tired we got, the less we talked. I was very aware of my pace, heart rate, hydration and what I was eating. After the 5th lap I got a little cramp in one of my hamstrings while I was changing bottles. I was annoyed but was able to stretch it out and keep going. As the day went on, my stops between laps lasted a little longer but I was intent to not be stressed. In hindsight, this lackadaisical approach probably cost me a lap. Anyhow, mid way through the 6th lap, I noticed that Drew slowed quite a bit but I pressed on fearing that the cramps would set in if I didn't keep a consistent pedaling cadence. I waited for him after the lap and he said that his knee was giving him problems and was calling it a day. I thanked him for the ride up to that point and took off aiming to knock out at least 2 more laps.
The 7th lap was tough. Cramps attacked my groin, hamstrings and quads. I fought through them even though they hurt like hell sometimes. I've learned just to pedal through them because they will eventually go away. As I finished the lap, I began thinking about ending the pain and suffering and just chilling under my tent and drinking a Coke. But the more I thought about it the more I thought about how far I've come to even be here. Wait- did I ever mention how hot it was?!? It was in the 90's all day! Florida heat, baby! Anyhow, as I finished the lap and rolled towards my tent to grab a new bottle, I noticed people at my tent. Yes! A morale booster! I dropped my bike and greeted my family- Char, Riley, Al, Courtney and Blake. I chilled there for a minute, gathered my bearings, drank a Coke, held Riley, gave her some Coke, told them about my day so far and riding with Drew. Al took a blood sample to test my lactate levels, which were fine. Man, I felt great! I took off for an 8th lap (my goal) feeling good and somewhat renewed. I began to reflect that lap how I felt 5 years ago not knowing what was going wrong and how I felt now after I had once been told that I would be limited to brisk walks and golf for the rest of my life. I was riding my bike in the woods, loving it, and feeling a huge sense of accomplishment. I tackled my demons. And just like that the cramps came back and I instantly didn't care about any of that stuff- I just wanted to be done. I then started thinking about the time and if I would have time for one more lap or even if I could finish another lap. I wasn't sure about the cutoff time and sort of hoped that I missed it and would have to stop anyhow, making my decision easy. When I got the the finish line, I asked the guy there when the race ends. He said I had around 50 minutes to get back and if I didn't the lap wouldn't count. I thought about it for a second and thought, "hey man, I did it- I accomplished my mission. I feel good right now." So I called it a day. I didn't need to push myself into a potential dangerous situation like I did in 2008. I was coming out on top this time.
Its funny that I still have not stopped thinking about doing that 9th lap. That's the competitor in me- going a little harder, a little further, a little longer. Hell, I did what I set out to do. I finished in 7th place among amateur men and 15th overall. Not bad for somebody with my schedule, lifestyle, and supposed bad heart. But still, I honestly wanted to do better. I will next year though, watch.
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